Goodby to 2014
I know its a little late, but I wanted to share my last thoughts around my livelihood from 2014. It feels very important to create some...
Tattood Buddhist "The more you invest, the greater your return."
Lately, I have been offering a series of FREE 7-Day Crystal Grid Healing events. These are centered around my Atomic Boost Crystal Grid...
Tattood Buddhist responds to Passing Premonitions
Dear Tattood Buddhist: I had a really odd experience last night and I've been thinking about you all day. I have this client. She's a...
Tattood Buddhist Replies to: Unclaimed Baggage
Hi Tattood Buddhist! I'm past middle aged and single with what some people call baggage. So, there are trust issues outstanding. Until...
Tattood Buddhist Responds to "Bad Mood/Bad Tood"
Here is an instant replay of a favorite letter from a couple of years ago! EnJoy! BAD MOOD/BAD TOOD asks: What makes you feel better...
Triggered in Training wants that Target off her back!
Triggered in Training asks: Dear Tattood Buddhist: How do we train our minds to turn off the triggers when we start to let someone else's...
Tattood Buddhist says... 'Add Fun and Play to Your Today!"
Tattood Buddhist has a few thoughts about life on the playground!