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7 Days of Self Love
on the Atomic Boost Crystal Grid Cloth
Welcome to this Healing Crytal Grid and Congratulations for giving yourself a gift of powerful healing energy. Your participation not only gives you access to the crystaline energy, but also helps boost the energy through your focus and intention.
Here's how it works!
Using my How of Tao "Atomic Boost Crystal Grid Cloth", I have intuitively chosen a variety of crystals to facilitate and boost the energy. I meditate with this grid and keep it activated with candles and incense. I will continue this process every day during the event. After that, the I will deactivate the physical grid. At that time, the images will be made public and availabe on Pinterest for anyone who wishes to work with the grid energy, but names will not be included in the Healing Bowl.
Simply adding your name during the event opens the flow of energy to you. You may add your energy and intention by holding the image of it in your meditations, prayers and affirmations. The more you interact with this process, the more access you will have to the energy. You may also add the names of loved one's, in particular those you are requesting healing for or with. All names will be kept private.
Each Day: Join the group energy @10pm cst
> Focus on the Image of the Grid -- Meditate
> Hold yourself and your loved ones in your Heart
> Repeat the Affirmations provided here or one of
your own inspiration
> Make note or journal about your experiences
during this time
The Intention on this Grid is for support and Healing of Shame, Judgement and Trauma to embrace the Wholeness of Self Love.

AFFIRMATIONS: Begin with the current Affirmation. Check back for new affirmations, as the Crystals give them to me.
I have really enjoyed this grid for Self Love, so on this last evening, I share a passage from the Love Fire series, that I wrote a while ago. Thanks so much for being a part of this. "My eyes shine with the Love Fire that can only come from within. When I say the word, Beloved, can I possibly be speaking to me? Lets Begin..."
8/26: I open the door to all Good energy flow when I take good care of myself; honor my own boundaries and stand for myself. Today, my highest purpose is served as I choose Me.
8/25: I commit to alway see the best in me. I am my best ally today and every day.
8/24: Love is the Matrix. No matter where you look you will find the totality of Love in everything. Today, I will look for Love in every interaction.
8/23: Whatever Makes you Happy; Whatever Lights you Up; Whatever Brings you Joy; These are the building blocks of Self Love. Today, I will acknowledge even the smallest of these.
8/22: I face all of me without Flinching. I embrace my totality and my dark and my light are loved equally. Today, I love myself as best I can.
8/21: Begin each day with "Today I will be gentle and kind to myself.
8/20: With every breath I draw, I make my Heart safe to Open. My Heart is my Safe Harbor.

This Shiva Agate Eye is at the beginning of the Path to the Heart, created on this grid. It is surrounded by Fluorite and Pink Tourmaline to assist and support clear sight and the ability to perceive and act to care for the Heart.

Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. She lives in a cave, so here, a cave is created of Rose Quartz and Spirit Quartz and Ruby in Zoicite. She is surrounded by Heart Stones. She requested that a path be created for each to enter the Cave of the Heart and find Self Love, within. (The first Quan Yin statue that I placed on this grid unexpectedly fell over and was broken. I felt strongly that this was a Sacrifice to our healing, much as her life was lived in Sacrifice to the World.

Adding personal touches, such as gifts that you have been given, Candles, Flowers and other totems personalizes your experience of the grid. Quan Yin loves Flowers, so I included this porcelain flower that I made as an offering.

Each Crystal on the Grid is in direct relationship with every other crystal in the formation, much as we are connected to every other thing. When the energies Harmonize, a powerful resonance for healing and change is facilitated.

The Crystals themselves directed me to arrange a pattern that creates a pathway, leading you and the energy inward to the Cave of the Heart.

This grid was laid out to be viewed from a sitting position, rather than an overview. To sit in Meditation is a great way to be in intimate relationship with the Self. Self Love begins with an ability to be in direct, unconditional relationship with the Self.

> Rose Quartz (Grounding Stone) creates a cozy Cave of Love and Heart Energy for
Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion & Mercy
well known to be a Heart Healer and amplifies the Energy of Love
Divine Mother
Heart Healing
Opens and Clears Heart Chakra
Unconditional Love
Encourages Gentleness and Tenderness
Calming and Reassuring
> Clear Quartz, Rutilated , Lithium , Rose , Smokey , Spirit Quartz
> John of God (blessed) Quartz*
> Spiral Shell encrusted with Yellow Calcite
> Shiva Agate Eye
> Jett
> Amber
> Pink Tourmaline
> Amazonite
> Amethyst
> Black Tourmaline
> Fluorite
> Rhodochrosite
> Aventurine
> Bloodstone
> Tree Agate
Naming Bowl with Rose Quartz Vogel, Heart Chakra on Agate, Apopholite, Prehnite/Epidote, Chrysacola
Your name will be placed in this beautiful Quartz Crystal bowl. Special crystals have been placed in the bowl with the names to boost and enhance the healing energy to each person.
Click on the Image for helpful information!
> You are asked to imagine your own Heart as a cozy, snug, safe harbor. Create for yourself, that which you would offer the ones you love most. Recognize the distance you have created from your own heart while trying to avoid the difficult things. Bring your focus, instead to the Agonizing Beauty to be found within.
> We are advised to create an oasis in the daily routine. Take a cup of tea... (Chrysanthemum is suggested). Savor its essence, its warmth and its aroma. Allow the tension to flow away and awareness to arrive. In the space of time of a cup of tea, new undestanding awaits.
> To find CLARITY, it is helpful to begin by asking a Clear Question. Often the process of formulating your question will lead you to Clarity. So we discover that the confusion was in the question you were asking, rather than than the answer.
>Begin this journey by getting as clear as possible on your own individual Intention. As youbegin, sit and allow yourself to gaze upon the image of the Crystal Grid, keeping your personal intention in mind. Continue to gaze, allowing your eyes to become softer, heavier and less focused, until your eyese close on their own. Let yourself meditate then for as long as you are comfortable. When you come out of your meditation, silently send your intention, one more time, into the Crystal Grid.
> Record unusual or stray thoughts, insights and ideas, even if they seem unrelated to your concerns. Don't try to figure them out, just write them down.
Helpful Links
To Donate:
Energy Exchange -- Deb offers monthly Crystal Grid Healing Events. These events are free of charge and all are welcome to join the energy.
If you feel inspired to offer an Energy Exchange, it will be gratefully received.
To Socialize:
Crystal Gridding on Pinterest
Set up a grid on the Atomic Boost Grid Cloth and send me a photo of it along with info about your Intention for your grid.
I will pin it to the Pinterest Page!
Please offer a brief acount of your experience with This Crystal Grid Event. Thanks!
To Purchase:
>Atomic Boost Grid Cloth
>54 Piece Crystals Fundamentals Kit
>Atomic Boost Complete Combo Package
>Fundamental Harmony Crystal Kit
>Fundamental Heart Opening Crystals Kit
>Gemstone Prayer Beads and Energy Bracelets

The Angels Speak
I was inspired to pull a card from my Angel deck for this grid. Of course, it would be the Angel and card for "Forgiveness".
"Angel Blessing" deck by Kimberly Marooney

~I Receive Forgiveness
~~I Accept Forgiveness
~~~I Am Forgiven.
Angel Cards for each night~
8/20: Forgiveness
8/21: Wisdom
8/22: Healing
8/23: Grace
8/24: Vision
8/25: Relationship
8/26: Joy
8/27: Knowledge
Candles, Incense and Flowers are all offerings that support and expand the energy of Love. You can assist the connection during this Event, by intentionally bringing these into your Sacred Space and while you Meditate with the Crystal Grid.