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Personal Journey

Guided Meditation is excellent for achieving deeper states of meditation. While in deep states of meditation, Visualization can help to reveal solutions and create avenues  to freedom from long standing blocks and limitations. Deb uses intuitive imagery to enliven meditation with symbols to be used later as touchstones for change.

Breath is the most primal access to the Self. Breath connects, opens and enlivens. In Meditation, the Breath is where we begin.Deb leads individuals and groups in breathing, toning and chanting as an intensive form of Self-Awakening.

Many of us walk around literally fragmented or with walls built so strong that one part of our Self cannot connect with another.  Deb walks individuals through extra-ordinary experiences of Journeying, Soul Retrieval, and Emotional Body-Process enabling you to reunite your "selves", and create a sense of Unity, Inner Harmony and Inner Peace.

Energy Work

Deb offers one-on-one private, intuitive energy healing appointments.  Each session is uniquely inspired and responsive to the clients energy and challenges. 

Shamanic Experiences

At any moment Deb may be inspired to include channeling, trance, chanting, intuitive readings, guided rituals or other energetic experiences in class and private experiences.

Crystal Healing

A lifelong love of Crystals and their amazing ability to enhance our lives has inspired Deb to use crystals in her work, teach and share her love with others.  She uses crystals in her energy sessions, meditations and through the creation of Crystal Grids for intention and healing.


Yes. You Can...

Learn to Meditate, Practice your Meditation, Go Deeper, Inquire within...


Deb offers a variety of classes, special workshop & retreats.  And she is so happy to schedule a class for your group or organization.








"For those individuals who are looking for a way to create forward movement, breakthrough and freedom in their lives, Meditation can be the framework upon which deep transformation and change can be built."

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