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7 Days of Atomic Boost Crystal Grid
Prosperity Manifestation
Welcome to this Healing Crytal Grid and Congratulations for giving yourself a gift of powerful healing energy. Your participation not only gives you access to the crystaline energy, but also helps boost the energy through your focus and intention.
Here's how it works!
Using my How of Tao "Atomic Boost Crystal Grid Cloth", I have intuitively chosen a variety of crystals to facilitate and boost the energy. I meditate with this grid and keep it activated with candles and incense. I will continue this process every day during the event. After that, the I will deactivate the physical grid. At that time, the images will be made public and availabe on Pinterest for anyone who wishes to work with the grid energy, but names will not be included in the Healing Bowl.
Simply adding your name during the event opens the flow of energy to you. You may add your energy and intention by holding the image of it in your meditations, prayers and affirmations. The more you interact with this process, the more access you will have to the energy. You may also add the names of loved one's, in particular those you are requesting healing for or with. All names will be kept private.
Each Day: Join the group energy @10pm cst
> Focus on the Image of the Grid -- Meditate
> Hold yourself and your loved ones in your Heart
> Repeat the Affirmations provided here or one of
your own inspiration
> Make note or journal about your experiences
during this time

Naming Bowl with Labradorite & Carnelian
Your name will be placed in this beautiful Quartz Crystal bowl. Special crystals have been placed in the bowl with the names to boost and enhance the healing energy to each person.
Lithium Quartz, Lightning Quartz, Green Agate Slice (gift)

AFFIRMATIONS Begin with the current Affirmation. Check back for new affirmations, as the Crystals give them to me.
6/18: My Abundant Life is a Birthright.
I awaken to the Realization of My Divine Prosperity.
6/19: I gratefully accept Gifts that are given to me. I Say YES to Receiving.
6/20: I am open to the Flow. As I receive freely, I give with a generous Heart.
6/21: I easily experience the Energy of Abundant Love, Joy, Plenitude and Magnificence flowing through me at the cellular and atomic levels of my being.
6/24: A Final Message: "A circle has no beginning and no end. So, too, the Energies of prosperity, Abundance, Opulence, Plenitude -- whatever name you
use to describe your experience as a Human Being. You live in a constant and continuous expression of breath, of physicality, of feeling, of awakening, spirituality, experience and growth. Remember the circle -- in the circle you are never lost, you are always in the flow, no beginning, never ending, always renewing. The very fact of You is an astounding affirmation of this Truth. Your Abundant Life is a Birthright. Live it, love it... all of it.
We bless you from the purest source... and so it is."
Helpful Links
To Purchase
>Atomic Boost Grid Cloth
>54 Piece Crystals Fundamentals Kit
>Combo Package
>Fundamental Abundance Crystal Kit
>Gemstone Prayer Beads and Energy Bracelets
To Socialize
Crystal Gridding on Pinterest
Set up a grid on the Atomic Boost Grid Cloth and I will pin it to the Pinterest Page!
To Donate
Deb offers monthly Crystal Grid Healing Events. These events are free of charge and all are welcome to join the energy.
If you feel inspired to offer an Energy Exchange, it will be gratefully received.
Energy Exchange
(This service is free, however, all donations are gratefully received.)
Please offer a brief acount of your experience with This Crystal Grid Event. Thanks!

Each quadrant of the Grid also held a specific word as intent. Upper left iss for Joy. Upper Right is for Prosperity. Lower Left (shown here) is for Plenitude. And Loser Right is for Magnificence. Choose a different quadrant each day and focus on its intent.

Adding personal touches, such as gifts that you have been given, Candles, Flowers and other totems personalizes your experience of the grid.

Each Crystal on the Grid is in direct relationship with every other crystal in the formation, much as we are connected to every other thing. When the energies Harmonize, a powerful resonance for healing and change is facilitated.

The Atomic Boost Grid Cloth is a Sacred Geometry symbol that carries an energy of its own. The colors were also guided for the highest energies. This cloth may be used for all sorts of purposes beyond the Crystal Grid. Place under your massage table; hang on your wall; meditate on it; charge your crystal bowls or other spiritual tools. Work with it however you are inspired.

For the Intention of Prosperity, I was guided to include a couple gifts give to me on the grid. The beautiful cloth under the grid cloth was given upon my first Live Appearance at Beloved Books. The Crystal Healing Bowl holds a Sliced Agate in a beautiful shade of Green (a prosperity color) and was a gift from my favorite 4 year old for my birthday. By saying yes to gifts that I receive, and honoring them in this grid, I open to Manifestation. Try practicing saying YES to Gifts.

Adding certain Crystals to the bowl, supports and boosts the energy of healing. The Lightning Quartz boosts the Prosperity Energy and stimulates the healing intent. The Lithium Quartz balances and calms fears and also the impact of the energetic process. The Agate is a gift and is such a beautiful Green color.
Click on the Image for helpful information!
Crystals Included in this Grid
> Green Calcite (central stone)
This Central stone facilitates Compassionate Heart Perspectives
Realize Divine Love
Aligns & Balances Emotional Energy
Release and Disolve Old Patterns
Heart Chakra Healer
Prosperity, Abundance and Manifesting
Eases excessive worry and anxiety
> Moss Agate
> Bloodstone
> Chrysoprase
> Citrine
> Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rutilated Quartz
> Green Aventurine
> Amethyst
> Black Tourmaline
> Amazonite
Try adding some "alive energy" such as cut flowers or a plant or a picture of nature to your grid table. This will enliven the grid even more and encourage your Abundance to take Life.
> Accept every Gift that is given,
even if it isn't something you want.
> Receive it by using it, honoring it,
re-gifting it or in some way taking
it in to your energy field.
> Release resistance of mistrust, unworthiness and unloveability.
> Realize that gifts received are a symbol of the Gift that you are.
Candles, Incense and Flowers are all offerings that support and expand the energy of Love. During this month, these will be included.