Deb Paradise
The How of Tao Meditation
Group and Private Classes
Crystal Healing and Grids
RenDu Healing Art
Tattood Buddhist - Advice for the Curious Seeker

Currently Scheduled​

Meditation Classes
Huntsville, Alabama Cost $30 Purchase
2nd Thursday of every Month
Open Meditation
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Open to beginners and experienced meditators, alike!
4th Thursday of every Month
Meditation and Creativity
7:00am to 9:00pm
Open to those working create opening and movement in their life!
Birmingham, Alabama Cost $30 Purchase
2nd & 4th Monday of the Month
Open Meditation
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Open to beginners and experienced meditators, alike!
Deb offers private appointments, as available,.
Schedule your appointment today! Purchase

RenDu Art -- Creativity to Transcendance Classes
Birmingham, Alabama
​ Saturday Mornings -- 6 Week Series Cost $210 Purchase
11:00am to 1:00pm (All supplies included)
(some meditation experience is helpful)
Beginning in 2015, we wil be experimenting with creating Personal Mandalas
These classes about the Process of Creativity. This is not a painting class.
You do not have to know how to paint. All you need is the urge to express.
You will not learn to paint pretty pictures. You are going to learn to paint your guts out.
No Painting experience required. The Courage to face your Innermost Self is all you need!

Tattood Buddhist -- Personal Appearances
Deb Paradise aka Tattood Buddhist is available for Personal Appearances. Deb holds forth with her unique form of Zany, Intuitive Wisdom, sharing Letters from her Advice Column, Teaching about Crystals and Crystal Grids and answering personal and spiritual questions from the audience.
Contact Deb for more information or to Brain Storm about your Event!