Deb Paradise
The How of Tao Meditation
Group and Private Classes
Crystal Healing and Grids
RenDu Healing Art
Tattood Buddhist - Advice for the Curious Seeker

The RIGHT Answer Starts with
A Great Question!
Tattood Buddhist delights in answering your Questions of Life!
Every day Life reveals how much we are alike. By asking your question, you are opening the eyes and minds of others just like you.
Atomic Boost Crystal Healing
The use of Crystals in Healing, Ritual, Commerce and Technology is as old as time. Deb uses Crystals in many ways. She often brings them into Mediation Classes, as well as private sessions. Her passion is to use them in Crytal Grids with specific Intentions set to facilitate personal, community, business and global growth and healing. She offers intuitively guided, customized Crystal Grids and sessions for your specific needs.
Deb Paradise teaches classes and workshops and facilitates
>Deep Healing Energy Sessions
>Crystal Layout and Grids
>Transformation Art Sessions
>Intuitive Readings
Meditation is the single best tool for:
​> stress relief
​> self cultivation
​> deep healing
​> anxiety management
​> personal development
​> spiritual exploration
​> intuitive sensitivitiy
​> relationship development
​> career growth
> for life
> and so much more...
No experience necessary to learn to paint from your gut! Fling open the doors to your creativity and watch your life take wing!
noun 1. a form of painting that relies on intuition and pure expression. 2. process based painting that elicits deep healing.
verb 1. the act of painting from the gut to elicit profound self-realization.